Thursday, March 27, 2008

Size Matters

Subway Restaurants... you're on notice.

I walked into my Franklin Street hookup today, geared up for the one "Daily Sub on Wheat" I allow myself per week when I realized the 6-inch sub special sign was nowhere to be found. In its place loomed a bright, triumphant banner announcing a NEW special: $5 Foot-long Subs!

Now granted, I seldom accept change immediately. I was late coming into the world. I wore diapers until I was 14. And I refuse to purchase a PDA. But my annoyance with foot-long sub specials is rooted in my displeasure for the general health of our nation's populace.

I believe one of the silent culprits tipping scales across the country is deceiving serving sizes and astronomical restaurant portions. "Hey, these cookies are only 50 calories a serving!" (18 servings per cookie) And now Subway, a diamond in the rough industry of fast & fat food that once encouraged sensible eating is now making it easier to fill up on enriched carbs.

Sure, some people NEED their calories. But these people know who they are. They're eating consciously. It's those who don't think they have to, due to lack of an immediate and known medical condition, that are gonna walk in and say "I get an extra six inches for another buck? Aww hell. Make it a foot-long." (But instead of the triple-chin, can I get the love handles aaand some extra napkins?)

I'm sure some of you are saying "Lose the soapbox, Jayme. Subway's doing what's good for business. People wanna pay more and buy the damn thing. Let 'em eat it." And so I shall, but not without lamenting the truth that Americans are never going to collectively wake up and say "we need to be healthier." And the burden of our apathy falls on us all. A buddy of mine involved in public health says that three conditions that are often voluntary--obesity, smoking, and teenage pregnancy--account for 30% of our annual healthcare costs (insurance rates, tax money, you name it, you pay it).

At the counter, I coughed up the hiked $5.24 for my six-inch sub meal. The foot-long meal behind me came to $6.32. "Buy in bulk," I mouthed silently as I walked past a cardboard cut-out of Jared holding up his size 108 jeans. "God Bless America."


Anonymous said...

Amen, brotha! I was just at Subway a couple days ago and one of the customers was so distraught that they killed the daily specials.
And you're right, just because you're eating at Subway, doesn't mean it's 100 percent healthy. If you get a sub with cheese, lots of meat and mayonnaise...hello love handles! Gotta love the USA!

Anonymous said...

Like you, Jayme, I believe in moderation in all things (with the ironclad exceptions of bourbon and golf). Love ya! -- jess

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself. If you're eating at a Subway, where everything -- from the grotesquely unmeatlike meat to the tasteless produce -- is processed and loaded with chemicals. If people really want to be healthy, they should drastically reduce their consumption of meat and other animal products and, instead, load up on organic, locally grown fruits and vegetables. Anything else and you're just choosing which way you want your food to kill you.

Anonymous said...

hello love

tis sheri. i have to say. i think you are being ridiculous! you spent 5 something on a 6 inch when u could have spent 6 on a foot long, and saved the second half for lunch/dinner. and you claim to be jewish! for people who are tight on cash, this is a good thing. healthwise - while not completely healthy, it's not a big mac. tj hits up burger king all the time bc it's quick, and i cant wait to tell him about this new deal! much healthier than a whopper/fries/soda. or at least it's a step in the right direction. its america. we've always had lots of options. yes we have more as time passes, but we can chose. i agree with you usually, but i think you are being somewhat silly.

jenne said...

Hi Jayme - i found you by way of your cousin Joyce. I like what you say here. In a world that constantly yelling at me for eating too much, i was surprised that Subway, who claims to be SOOOO good for those watching what they eat would do this. And sure, as one commenter posted, you could save the other half for later but as it is i'm more of a Real Deli Hero fan, and Subway Sammiches taste like a butt a few hours later.

i dig your words and i'll have to keep reading!

Anonymous said...

If America were to collectively "wake up" as you say in your final thoughts, we would be in for a lot of problems in the economy. One of the most ironic things about this country is that we are currently in a "recession" yet everywhere you turn you see nothing but waste.

What's wrong with your perfectly good 27" television set? Why can't you print in black & white, double-sided to save ink and paper? Better yet, why don't you just handwrite some notes? You're full, but why are you throwing out half a sandwich? Plastic bags? Sure - double bag it baby. How many brands of bottled water can we have? It's WATER dude. I haven't worn that t-shirt in years...I'll chuck it.

I could go on forever - the point is that this economy was built on the exact premise that Americans confuse "want" and "need" to a point that they will spend whatever they can to satisfy their desires. That platform is why retailers & restauranteurs do so well in this country. It's also the reason why Americans always get what they need, most of the time more.

It's silly to argue that Subway should pull back their promotion. If corporations stop trying to push the envelope, Americans will most certainly lose interest in chasing after their desires. Personally, I like that we have the ability to get whatever we want, and I like that we have choices - if the average person wants to continue to make poor ones, so be it.

- Jim

Anonymous said...

From the marketing side of things - it's interesting that Subway is putting a big advertising campaign behind this. They have a 300x250 on Yahoo today (big $$$) & they also built a whole microsite with some disturbing Abe Lincoln imagery.

The campaign is cleary geared at a younger demographic. It's called the 5 $ Holler - will a 40 year old know what that means?

They're going after the youngsters w/ no money and trying to make them fat for life. Hey Jared....THANKS!

See here:

- Dianne

John Brennan said...

Jayme, you need to stop blaming America for your diabetes. Blame Wilford Brimley instead.

emmy. said...

hahahaha, john, your comment is my favorite ;)

Anonymous said...

I think the best solution is to stop eating out.
I've been making Scott breakfast every morning to curb his desire to go out to a fast food place for lunch.
We make dinner as often as we can. If we don't make a meal we eat frozen dinners, soup, sandwiches, etc.
I pack the leftovers to take to work for lunch. Yes, I have an adult lunch pail (no cartoons).
If I don't have leftovers I make a sandwich and throw in all sorts of snacks, from fruit to carrots, to chips.
If anything, we eat out once a week and that's because we see our parents on Sunday and frequently eat at a restaurant together.
It's amazing the amount of money you save... and the gratification you feel after eating a hearty meal instead of hamburger and fries "filler."
Who knew I was sticking it to the man at the same time?