Tuesday, December 4, 2007

So Drink Your Gin & Tonikah

[From December 16, 2006... if you haven't seen it, it's new to you]

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Few holidays capture the American spirit quite like Hanukkah.

Hanukkah is the story of an army outnumbered fighting against a world power on its adopted "home" turf to gain social and religious freedom. Sound familiar?

Sure, 80% of Americans may celebrate Christmas (US Census Bureau, 2001). But 100% of Americans aspire to live with the spirit of Hanukkah. We breathe free thanks to the sacrifices of our own "Maccabees" who traveled an ocean to escape oppression. And thousands every year flock to this country to share in their victory. Just like Israel has grown to more than 6 million people, 75% of which are "home"coming Jews.

Going back to Christmas. Ignorant people wonder (and intelligent people joke) that Hanukkah is the Jewish Christmas. Consider this: Had the Maccabees fallen to the Assyrians, might that have set monotheism back a few hundred years? I don't mean to suggest we'd be worse off as a species worshiping multiple deities, only to point out that we've all come this far partly due to "the great miracle that happened there."

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And so, my fellow Americans, I propose a toast to true warriors of freedom, predecessors of the American spirit. L'Chayim.

Happy Hanukkah to all. And to all, a good week.


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