Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fantastick News

I miss singing.

This is not news. The news is that I've found an outlet for the summer. I'm performing in the Westborough Players' Club's musical production of "The Fantasticks" on July 31-August 3.

"The Fantasticks" is Romeo and Juliet with a twist. The lovers' fathers want them to fall in love and fake a feud--and a kidnapping--so that they will. But the lovers learn of their fathers' ploy, so it goes with all theatrical deceptions. So the lovers split off to experience the world beyond, with the assistance of the play's narrator and mysterious bandit "El Gallo" (Me). Will they reignite their love or discover it was contrived and, thus, worthless? Come find out.

I cordially invite you all to come see the show. I'm excited to rejoin two of my former stagemates, Jon Eldridge and Brian Higgins, and perform one last 'Borough show before shipping up to Boston.

One final fun note: our director, Pat Stevens was the voice of Velma on "The Scooby-Doo Show" for 40 episodes (1976-1979). So if that question pops up at trivia night, you can Wow your friends.


Looks like my streak of days without wearing make-up will end at 368. Can anyone tell me what the over-under was on that?



andrea said...

That's awesome to hear, Jayme. I'm wicked bummed I won't be around to see it. I expect pictures, and lots of them.

Oh, and you totally beat my bet.

Anonymous said...

super di duper - as the time gets closer, lemme know - and i'll be there.

hey...did the mention of u singing at lunch the other day influence this decision at all. or was it just coincidence? xoxo sheri

Anonymous said...

Awesome! A vastly underrated show, in my opinion. Wish I could be there. As my mom always told me before I went on, "Sing purdy."

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jayme!! I really really wish I could be there to see and hear that! I also miss the performing arts - I was praying there would be some sort of improv scene here, but so far no dice.
Break a leg and I cannot wait to hear all about it!
