Friday, September 7, 2007

Happy 10,000 Hits!

"Here I am... let's see if this proves to be any fun."

Those first words, typed on 2/26/06, proved to be quite the understatement.

I started this Blog at the loneliest point in my life. Nine months into my first big-boy job, I was still developing my big-boy skills and my earliest southwest friendships. I was still months away from meeting most of my dear Cruces crew. And a few weeks after that post, my landlord would compound my isolation by kicking me out (if you haven't heard that story, feel free to ask. It's rather entertaining). The point is: this blog allowed me feel closer with all of you, from El Paso, to Syracuse, to Boston... to Oslo, Norway (Heia, Crissy). And each of your views have inspired me to keep writing.

What's even better is that this blog has spawned other relationships. I know at least a dozen of you who have traded comments on one blog or another and, from there, have started regular conversations of your own.

I hope my writing continues to bring us closer, as well as encourage you all to share more of yourself with others. Be it through blogging, or poetry, pictures, music, dance, we all need outlets. And honestly, we all need feedback on those outlets to feel validated, feel valued... to just keep feeling.

And so on this day of my 10,000th BlogHit, I thank you for visiting my outlet from time to time... bringing us that much closer.

Keep reading. Keep commenting.

I intend to have some good job-related news for you, soon. In the meantime... it's time to go upstairs and iron my lucky Troy Brown jersey.

Til next time,

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