Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Roger, Over and Out

Take me out to the ballgame... take me out to the We interrupt this rousing rendition of drunk N'Yorkahs to inform you Jayme has returned to blogging about the Yankees.

But it may not be the blog you Dieha'ds are expecting.

Yes, Rocket Roger Clemens, the most dominate pitcher of my generation, is a New York Yankee... again.
It's true, they're paying him 28 million dollars for 5 months' work.
Yeah, this means that the Yankees starting rotation has made like a starfish and grown back 4 decent arms (Rocket, Wang, Moose and Petitte) in the past 2 weeks, giving them a shot at... let's face it, the Wildcard.

That's right. The Red Sox are winning the AL East. If anyone in the Nation doubts that, snap out of it (and if any of you Yank-rooters doubt that, you can tell it to my own personal Rocket). Seriously... the Sox pitching staff is disgusting. Schilling is throwing heat, Wake's knuckler is floating like it did when he first came over from Shitsburgh and even Dice-K's getting time to perfect his gyro-curve while a potent Sox offense forgives him for the 5.45 era he's rollin right now. Oh I almost forgot, Josh Beckett is so hot this spring, he could win the teddy bear at the bottom of the crane machine... with one quahdah!

As for the Shankees... enjoy 5-6 innings of promising heat from 4 injury-prone starters. Because that call to the bullpen is brought to you by Ambien-CR. One relief pitcher dissolves your lead quickly, so you completely forget you had one. The next two fill the bases slowly, so you have time to enjoy the sound of Babe Ruth rolling in his grave. To date, that bullpen has an ERA of 4.32 (Mariano "The Greatest Closer in Baseball History" Rivera's is close to 9). To translate, the Yankee firemen can't put out a match if you spot 'em a tailwind.

Feel better? Good. Moving on to the ETHICS of Roger Clemens' resurrection.

That's right, ethics. The talking heads on ESPN's Baseball Tonight are up in arms over Roger joining a team for one-plus million dollars a START with the option of flying out of NYC after each one to play with his kids. And as much as I'd love to jump on the hatewagon and call out New York for allowing this mid-life self-anointed savior to skip out on his teammates in the heart of a pennant race (assuming they're in it)... I can't.

Guess what Buster Olney... baseball is a business. A private business that plays by the same two rules as any other. Supply. And demand. Roger's no jackass; he's a damn fine capitalist. Some Yankee fans might boo (which I doubt). But they'll still buy tickets to come cheer his victories. Wal-Marts are still thriving because people are still shopping in them. And Yankee Stadium will continue to fill as long they put 10 all-stars on the field everyday. Love 'em, hate 'em, or truly f-in despise 'em... baseball is a business. And no one reminds us of that more often than the Damn Yankees.

Personally, I can't wait to beat The Rocket en route to our 12th pennant.

Go Sox.

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