Saturday, April 14, 2007

You Can't Spell "Jayme" Without "Emy"

Yes, it's a survey. I haven't done one in a while. And this one's about, like, like your number one favoritest Myspace friend. Well, mine happens to kick some serious ass. So I thought I'd share her with you.

1) what's her name?
Emily Sam Rubenstein

2) What is her sexual orientation?
Bill (who I am a big fan of)

3) Where did you meet her?
In the driveway, under a sign hanging from the carport that read "Welcome Home!" Daddy helped :)

4) How old were you when you first met?
3 and a half

5) Is this person, one of your best friends?
My number one.

6) Say something that only makes sense to you and your friend?

7) Is this person older than you?

8) When was the last time you saw this person?
I see her everyday.

9) Do you miss her?
Very much.

10) Are you related to this person?
As related as you can be.

11) Do you have nicknames for each other?
Em and Jay. Not many people call me Jay. It takes me home.

13) Do you think that person will repost this?
Yes. She's addicted to these.

14) Why is this person #1 on your top friends?

15) Have you seen this person cry?
Yes and visa versa.

16) Do you know this persons middle name?

17) Do you tell her a lot about your life?
Everything. And visa versa.

18) Doing anything tonight?
Are you trying to pick me up via survey?

19) If yes, What:
If you mean with her... I'll probably call her from I-10. Keep your phone on!

20) Would you date this person?
Oreo date? Heck Yes!
Actually, before I marry someone, we have to double-date with Em. That's the true test.

21) Would they date you?

22) What's something the person is obsessed with?
Singing just like her brudder. I miss our car-duets.

23) Does this person make you laugh?
Until I can't breathe. She's the funniest person I know.
I still tell people your psychoanalysis of girls who wear pink Red Sox apparel.

I invite you to copy-n-paste your NumberOne Survey here. Let's start meeting some of our faithful readers. Have a great weekend!

Love you, Em.

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